Contact City Managers office 720-898-7500
Navigation: on the home page click on Community then on Sustainability for information about air quality, community agriculture, energy conservation, environment, forestry, recycle, transportation, water conservation.
Sustainability Advisory Committee Contact: Nalini Margaitis 720-898-7394
Navigation: Arvada.org to Government to list of Committees and Boards.

Contact: 303.739.7000; email - access@auroragov.org
Navigation: Although there isn't a designated sustainability department, type in "sustainability" on the home page "search" tab to see what the city is doing with regard to trash and recycling; keeping Aurora clean, innovation and sustainability, environmental resources, the energy action plan, etc.

Contact: City Manager's Office - 303/441-3090; rivera-vandermyden@bouldercolorado.gov
Contact: Climate Initiatives - 303/441-4390; ClimateInitiatives@bouldercolorado.gov
Contact: Environmental Advisory Board - 303/441-1915; Jonathan Koehn - koehnj@bouldercolorado.gov
Navigation:On the home page type in "sustainability and resilience framework" to learn about the comprehensive approach the city is taking. Go to the "SERVICES" tab to scroll down through the many programs they offer such as climate conversations, EcoPasses, energy conservation, sustainable yards, trail stewarship, water resources and so much more.