Denver Area
City Resources

Most of our area cities have sustainability champions! Here's how you find yours. Be sure to click on Read More to navigate city websites.
City of Arvada
Contact City Managers office 720-898-7500 Navigation: on the home page click on Community then on Sustainability for information about air quality, community agriculture, energy conservation, environment, forestry, recycle, transportation, water conservation. Sustainability Advisory Committee Contact: Nalini Margaitis 720-898-7394 Navigation: to Government to list of Committees and Boards.
City of Aurora -
Contact: 303.739.7000; email -Â Navigation: Although there isn't a designated sustainability department, type in "sustainability" on the home page "search" tab to see what the city is doing with regard to trash and recycling; keeping Aurora clean, innovation and sustainability, environmental resources, the energy action plan, etc.
City of Boulder -
Contact: City Manager's Office - 303-441-3090; Contact: Climate Initiatives - 303/441-4390; Contact: Environmental Advisory Board - 303/441-1915; Jonathan Koehn - Navigation:On the home page type in "sustainability and resilience framework" to learn about the comprehensive approach the city is taking. Go to the "SERVICES" tab to scroll down through the many programs they offer such as climate conversations, EcoPasses, energy conservation, sustainable yards, trail stewarship, water resources and so much more.
City of Broomfield -
Contact: City Manager's office - 303-469 3301; Contact:Sustainability department - 720-887-2278; Navigation: On the home page go to the "LIVE" tab and click on "SUSTAINABILITY" to check out what the city's advisory committee on environmental sustainability is working on and learn about the comprehensive plan for zero waste, greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan and energy action plans, and more.
City of Centennial -
Contact: City Manager's Office - Contact: Citizen Response Center - 303-325-8000Â Navigation: On the home page, go to "RESIDENTS" then click on "Health & Environment" for info on everything from beekeeping to their "Clean n' Green" program, energy conservation, water conservation, dealing w/ hazardous waste, air quality, recycling and xeric landscaping to mention a few.
City of Commerce City -
Contact: City Manager's Office - 303-227-8808; Contact: General - 303.289.3600 Navigation: On the home page click on the "menu" in the upper lefthand corner and go to "Energy, Equity and the Environment" to see the issues the city is working on now. Search "sustainability action plan" to learn about the current areas of focus.
City of Denver -
Navigation: On home page, go to "COMMUNITY" then click on the "sustainability" tab to "Bring Your Own Bag, to Climate Action Sustainability and Resiliency, to Composting, Goals and Policies, Green Jobs, Recycle, Skip the Stuff, Sustainability Programs and Services. Under the "BUSINESS" heading there is "Certifiably Green Denver," a program now available to help retail food establishments reduce waste from onsite dining, and how to get solar for your business, and many more green business programs.
City of Edgewater -
Contact: City Manager's Office - 720-763-3012; Contact: General -Â 720/763-3000 Navigation: Â On home page select "LIVING HERE" and then go to the "sustainability" tab for information on water conservation, energy, electric vehicles and solar energy programs, waste and compost, tree and canopy, sustainable education and resources, sustainable landscaping.
City of Evergreen -
Evergreen Sustainability Alliance: 1 2 3 4 5 Our mission is to foster local, sustainable solutions for food resources, waste streams, and energy use in Evergreen, CO and surrounding communities. Note: The city of Evergreen is unincorporated.
City of Englewood -
Contact: Sustainability coordinator - 303-762-2300; Navigation: On home page go to "OUR CITY" and choose "sustainability" to see what programs the city is offering regarding air quality, Built Environment and Infrastructure, community resilience, economic resilience, energy, natural environment, clean and connected transportation, waste and recycling and water protection.
City of Golden -
Contact: Sustainability Division - 303/384-8117; Navigation: On home page choose "LIVE" and then the "sustainability initiative" tab for information about the city's goals for energy, waste diversion, water, education and outreach, community gardens. There is also information about the sustainability advisory board and their work.
City of Lakewood -
Contact (main): MAIN: 303-987-7000 Navigation: On home page go to "COMMUNITY" heading and select "sustainability" to see what the city offers for getting involved and staying connected, sustainability resources, events and awards, plans, reports, projects, the sustainable neighborhoods program, sustainable at home workshop series, and more.
City of Littleton -
Contact: 303-795-3700 Navigation: Go to "GOVERNMENT", then "City Services" and then choose "Green and Environmental Programs" to see what the city offers for Christmas tree recycling, the Spring tree planting event, community gardens, free wood mulch, leaf recycling drop-off, reduce-reuse-recycle, trash and recycling services and hazardous waste round-ups.
City of Morrison -
Contact: 303-697-8749 Navigation: Search "sustainability" to see what the small township is working on regarding water, resilience and other action items.
City of Thornton -
Contact: 303/538-7200Â Navigation: On the home page, type in "sustainability" then navigate to "plans, guided by comprehensive plan" and there is a PDF about the "sustainability plan - tree action, water efficiency, clean water, Metro vision, long-range plans, and so on...
City of Westminster -
Contact: 303-658-2400 Contact: Environmental Advisory Board Staff Liaison - Navigation: Go to "RESIDENTS" and then click on "sustainability" to learn about this city's mission:Â A sustainable community is a desirable place to live, work, visit and play. At the core, sustainability is about creating an economically strong, socially vibrant, and environmentally healthy community for current and future generations. Check out the resident and business resources, renewable energy, electric vehicles, building and home electrification, air quality, water and landscaping programs, among others.
City of Wheat Ridge -
Contact: 303-234-5900 Contact: Sustainability Coordinator - 303-235-2841; Navigation: On the home page search "sustainability" to see what the city's Environmental Sustainability Committee is doing regarding these topic areas - Green Building • Education & Communication • Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy • Solid Waste & Recycling • Transportation • Water. They're also concentrating on Communications and Engagement plus Green Building and Energy Efficiency. You can also go to the "Explore and Engage" heading to find "Sustainable Wheat Ridge" under "Learn and Lead."