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Be a Climate CitiSun Today
Opportunities Abound for Climate CitiSuns
Climate CitiSuns work on all the programs of New Energy Colorado. We organize and host the Green Homes Tours in the fall. We advocate at the legislature and through state regulatory agencies. We sponsor an annual cleanup of Clear Creek Canyon.
In addition, we encourage broader action. SEE OUR NEWSLETTERS
The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act offers the biggest opportunities in our lifetime to take climate action in our own lives and in our communities. The year-old law offers scores of programs.
Partner Organizations
New Energy Colorado works with a variety of partner organizations that are also working to speed the clean energy transformation. We admire and support the work of these organizations.
Colorado Organizations
Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) https://www.cres-energy.org
Dedicated to the advancement of all forms of renewable energy (RE), energy efficiency (EE), and their synergy with sustainability and economic development in Colorado.
Colorado Solar and Storage Association (COSSA) https://cossa.co
To expand solar and storage markets and to generate jobs and prosperity for the people of Colorado
Conservation Colorado https://conservationco.org
Protecting Colorado’s climate, air, land, water, and communities through organizing, advocacy, and elections.
Clean Energy Action https://www.cleanenergyaction.org Accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to a clean energy economy that is Boulder, Colorado based.
GoElectric Colorado https://goelectriccolorado.org
To protect people and their planet by transitioning our homes and commutes to cleaner, more economical electric appliances and vehicles.
Energy Outreach Colorado https://www.energyoutreach.org
Work to ensure that everyone in Colorado can afford and access the energy that powers their homes.
Sierra Club Colorado https://coloradosierraclub.org
Seeks to influence leaders and transform how industries are powered. Join us in embracing bold, positive, and future-focused solutions to the climate crisis.
Colorado Energy Office https://energyoffice.colorado.gov
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consumer energy costs by advancing clean energy, energy efficiency and zero emission vehicles to benefit all Colordans
Regional, National and International Organizations
Western Resource Advocates
WRA fights climate change to sustain the environment, economy, and people of the West.
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP)
Advancing energy efficiency, beneficial electrification, and clean transportation in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Advocates for clean energy in legislative and regulatory arenas at the state level, where most decisions about electricity are made
Citizens Climate Lobby
Grassroots advocacy climate change organization focused on national policies to address the national and global climate crisis
Colorado Chapters:
International movement of ordinary people working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-centred renewable energy for all.
Grid Alternatives
International leader in helping economic and environmental justice communities nationwide get clean, affordable renewable energy, transportation, and jobs.
Colorado Locations:
The IRA has spurred tremendous private sector investment in clean energy. Colorado has seen $1.76 billion in investment leading to 3,500 new clean energy jobs so far.
Nationally, clean energy projects creating 170,606 new jobs in 44 states were announced or advanced between August 16, 2022, and July 20, 2023. There are 272 new clean energy projects in small towns and big cities nationwide, totaling $278 billion in new investments, according to Clean Energy Boom Anniversary Report (climatepower.us)
Important IRA Links
In addition, state and local governments along with utilities are helping move toward the electrification of transportation and home energy. There are a range of incentive programs.
Below are some links to more information to help you get started on your journey. Let us know how you are using the IRA to improve your home.
Find credits and rebates:
Summary of federal residential energy efficiency tax credits: Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)
Summary of federal residential energy efficiency tax credits: Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)​
Fact Sheet on residential clean energy and energy efficiency tax credits: Frequently asked questions about energy efficient home improvements and residential clean energy property credits (irs.gov)
National Database on incentives and rebates: https://www.dsireusa.org/
News about rebates from Colorado: Sign-up for updates.
Electric Vehicles: Are You Eligible for an EV Tax Credit? | EV CO (colorado.gov)
Colorado's new "Cash for Clunkers" Electric Vehicle Incentives: Vehicle Exchange Colorado (VXC) Program Colorado Energy Office