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Go Electric Colorado Home Tour February 2025

Toedtli Drive, Boulder, CO 80305, USA

Fully Electrified 1966 split level in South Boulder

Features of this home:

Panasonic Econav1 3-ton ductless heat pump

HRV system, using original ductwork

Rheem 50 gal heat pump hot water heater

Upgraded envelope: Walls R-28; Attic R-70

Triple pane windows with custom insulated blinds, aluminum rolling storm shutters or bahama-style shutters

9.2 kW PV system

13 kW battery storage

2 long-range EV's; 2 40A level 2 chargers

Yard is listed by the Colorado Native Plant Society as a certified native plant botanical garden.

Register at EventBrite


Colorado Environmental Film Festival

Green Center, 924 16th St, Golden, CO 80401, USA

The festival lasts three days, Feb 21-23rd. Check the schedule for films and activities each day. Friday is opening night, On Saturday films and festivities last until 9:15, on Sunday until 5:30. 

CEFF features over 60 films from around the world, pairing short and feature length films sure to inspire you! CEFF accepts films from around the world that showcase environmental themes and solutions. Submission window is open June-October each year.. Also enjoy the films from home for one week only! Feb 24-March 2nd. 

Connect and get involved at the Eco-Expo to feel empowered and inspired, and add new tools to your environmental-action tool bag. Enjoy local drinks and snacks while chatting with the CEFF community of film-lovers, filmmakers, and community organizations.


Solstice Party

15250 W Evans Ave, Lakewood, CO 80228

Our Solstice Party was a great success. This was a chance to rub shoulders with movers and shakers who support clean energy. It is our main fundraising event that funds the activities of New Energy Colorado especially the Green Homes Tours in Denver Metro and Ark Valley.. MORE INFORMATION      

If you didn't make it last year be sure to add the Summer Solstice to your calendar this year for another interesting evening of food and fun and inspiration!

Facility reservation has been made! Join us on June 19th, 2025


Metro Denver Green Homes Tour

Jefferson Unitarian Church, West 32nd Avenue, Golden, CO, USA

Annual Green Homes Tour! Registered as an American Solar Energy Tour Event


Takes place the first Saturday of October each year. Next year will be our 30TH!

Several homes will be open to visit and learn about the implementation of energy efficient upgrades to new-builds and existing homes. 

The tour ends at 4 PM and an Energy Efficiency Expo takes place back at the registration site from 4:30 to 7:00 PM. Food and drinks and music and vendors and non-profits who are dedicated to the effort are featured. 

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